20 research outputs found

    Biallelic Loss-of-Function Variants in BICD1 Are Associated with Peripheral Neuropathy and Hearing Loss

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    Hearing loss and peripheral neuropathy are two clinical entities that are genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous and sometimes co-occurring. Using exome sequencing and targeted segregation analysis, we investigated the genetic etiology of peripheral neuropathy and hearing loss in a large Ashkenazi Jewish family. Moreover, we assessed the production of the candidate protein via western blotting of lysates from fibroblasts from an affected individual and an unaffected control. Pathogenic variants in known disease genes associated with hearing loss and peripheral neuropathy were excluded. A homozygous frameshift variant in the BICD1 gene, c.1683dup (p.(Arg562Thrfs*18)), was identified in the proband and segregated with hearing loss and peripheral neuropathy in the family. The BIDC1 RNA analysis from patient fibroblasts showed a modest reduction in gene transcripts compared to the controls. In contrast, protein could not be detected in fibroblasts from a homozygous c.1683dup individual, whereas BICD1 was detected in an unaffected individual. Our findings indicate that bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in BICD1 are associated with hearing loss and peripheral neuropathy. Definitive evidence that bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in BICD1 cause peripheral neuropathy and hearing loss will require the identification of other families and individuals with similar variants with the same phenotype

    Utilizing ethnic-specific differences in minor allele frequency to recategorize reported pathogenic deafness variants

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    Q1Q1Artículo original445-453Ethnic-specific differences in minor allele frequency impact variant categorization for genetic screening of nonsyndromic hearing loss (NSHL) and other genetic disorders. We sought to evaluate all previously reported pathogenic NSHL variants in the context of a large number of controls from ethnically distinct populations sequenced with orthogonal massively parallel sequencing methods. We used HGMD, ClinVar, and dbSNP to generate a comprehensive list of reported pathogenic NSHL variants and re-evaluated these variants in the context of 8,595 individuals from 12 populations and 6 ethnically distinct major human evolutionary phylogenetic groups from three sources (Exome Variant Server, 1000 Genomes project, and a control set of individuals created for this study, the OtoDB). Of the 2,197 reported pathogenic deafness variants, 325 (14.8%) were present in at least one of the 8,595 controls, indicating a minor allele frequency (MAF) >0.00006. MAFs ranged as high as 0.72, a level incompatible with pathogenicity for a fully penetrant disease like NSHL. Based on these data, we established MAF thresholds of 0.005 for autosomal-recessive variants (excluding specific variants in GJB2) and 0.0005 for autosomal-dominant variants. Using these thresholds, we recategorized 93 (4.2%) of reported pathogenic variants as benign. Our data show that evaluation of reported pathogenic deafness variants using variant MAFs from multiple distinct ethnicities and sequenced by orthogonal methods provides a powerful filter for determining pathogenicity. The proposed MAF thresholds will facilitate clinical interpretation of variants identified in genetic testing for NSHL. All data are publicly available to facilitate interpretation of genetic variants causing deafness

    Geographic Distribution of Disease Mutations in the Ashkenazi Jewish Population Supports Genetic Drift over Selection

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    The presence of four lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) at increased frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish population has suggested to many the operation of natural selection (carrier advantage) as the driving force. We compare LSDs and nonlysosomal storage diseases (NLSDs) in terms of the number of mutations, allele-frequency distributions, and estimated coalescence dates of mutations. We also provide new data on the European geographic distribution, in the Ashkenazi population, of seven LSD and seven NLSD mutations. No differences in any of the distributions were observed between LSDs and NLSDs. Furthermore, no regular pattern of geographic distribution was observed for LSD versus NLSD mutations—with some being more common in central Europe and others being more common in eastern Europe, within each group. The most striking disparate pattern was the geographic distribution of the two primary Tay-Sachs disease mutations, with the first being more common in central Europe (and likely older) and the second being exclusive to eastern Europe (primarily Lithuania and Russia) (and likely much younger). The latter demonstrates a pattern similar to two other recently arisen Lithuanian mutations, those for torsion dystonia and familial hypercholesterolemia. These observations provide compelling support for random genetic drift (chance founder effects, one ∼11 centuries ago that affected all Ashkenazim and another ∼5 centuries ago that affected Lithuanians), rather than selection, as the primary determinant of disease mutations in the Ashkenazi population

    High-Throughput Carrier Screening Using TaqMan Allelic Discrimination

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    <div><p>Members of the Ashkenazi Jewish community are at an increased risk for inheritance of numerous genetic diseases such that carrier screening is medically recommended. This paper describes the development and evaluation of 30 TaqMan allelic discrimination qPCR assays for 29 mutations on 2 different high-throughput platforms. Four of these mutations are in the <i>GBA</i> gene and are successfully examined using short amplicons due to the qualitative nature of TaqMan allelic discrimination. Two systems were tested for their reliability (call rate) and consistency with previous diagnoses (diagnostic accuracy) indicating a call rate of 99.04% and a diagnostic accuracy of 100% (+/−0.00%) from one platform, and a call rate of 94.66% and a diagnostic accuracy of 93.35% (+/−0.29%) from a second for 9,216 genotypes. Results for mutations tested at the expected carrier frequency indicated a call rate of 97.87% and a diagnostic accuracy of 99.96% (+/−0.05%). This study demonstrated the ability of a high throughput qPCR methodology to accurately and reliably genotype 29 mutations in parallel. The universally applicable nature of this technology provides an opportunity to increase the number of mutations that can be screened simultaneously, and reduce the cost and turnaround time for accommodating newly identified and clinically relevant mutations.</p> </div

    Familial Dysautonomia Is Caused by Mutations of the IKAP Gene

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    The defective gene DYS, which is responsible for familial dysautonomia (FD) and has been mapped to a 0.5-cM region on chromosome 9q31, has eluded identification. We identified and characterized the RNAs encoded by this region of chromosome 9 in cell lines derived from individuals homozygous for the major FD haplotype, and we observed that the RNA encoding the IκB kinase complex–associated protein (IKAP) lacks exon 20 and, as a result of a frameshift, encodes a truncated protein. Sequence analysis reveals a T→C transition in the donor splice site of intron 20. In individuals bearing a minor FD haplotype, a missense mutation in exon 19 disrupts a consensus serine/threonine kinase phosphorylation site. This mutation results in defective phosphorylation of IKAP. These mutations were observed to be present in a random sample of Ashkenazi Jewish individuals, at approximately the predicted carrier frequency of FD. These findings demonstrate that mutations in the gene encoding IKAP are responsible for FD

    Percentage each gene is targeted based on informative SNPs.

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    *<p>Note: For replicates to fail, both data points had to have the wrong genotype assigned</p

    Sequence differences for <i>GBA</i> and <i>GBAP</i> amplicons.

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    <p>Nucleotide sequences of the target amplicons in both the <i>GBA</i> and <i>GBAP</i> genes highlighting both the similarities and differences between the sequences. Forward and reverse primers are indicated by arrows and the probe is underlined. Nucleotide differences are indicated by red, bold lettering.</p